Coffs Harbour Dog Training Club Inc.
“The pleasure of owning a well behaved dog is priceless”
Class One
A natural progression from Canine College, this class takes what you have learnt and improves your skills in handling your dog.
Intensive reward based course covering basic obedience commands, effective dog walking, teaching your dog to come when called, dog and human socialisation, fun tricks and many other tips. Much of the training is one-on-one with our experienced trainers and their numerous opportunities to have your questions answered.
Canine College
New canine College Class starting soon - contact Kaylene on
For those who want to get serious about their training & want to be competitive in a new hobby. Receive expert tuition and participate in regular mock trials. Instructors compete in obedience trials held by Dogs NSW
Obedience classes are run every Saturday.
However, please contact the club for starting times of Classes as they vary during the year.
Information can also be found on our Facebook page.
To check if training is on in bad
weather, check out our Facebook page

Class Two and Three
Please note that any amendments to the above rules can be found in the monthly Dogs NSW Journal